SITTING OPPOSITE the beach, a modest home renovation ended up being an almost complete rebuild and as the plans evolved, so too did the vision to include a state of the art home elevator to service all three levels of the home.
For this location, the power failure proof Supermec was the perfect choice. To compliment the blend of relaxed beachside décor and modern conveniences, the selections included: landing doors in marine grade brushed stainless steel, cabin doors also in brushed stainless steel with matching profiles and car operating panel (with standard multi-vision display panel), Similinox skinplate and half height mirror to the cabin walls and custom timber flooring to match the rest of the home. The owners loved that we could also provide a large 1200mm (47.2″) wide x 1250mm (49.2″) deep cabin for extra spaciousness.
With the beach house finished, we are now working on the owners new harbour view home, of course we are doing the Supermec there too.
To view the drawings for this elevator please click here