Having looked at several alternative lift suppliers, he knew what he was looking for and could appreciate the superior quality offered by our traction drive Supermec lift. The fact that it is power failure proof and uses very little energy just continued to tick the boxes
The design criteria was that it must look stylish and elegant and be an impact statement next to the wrap around polished stone staircase – give us something hard to do next time!!
The design criteria was that it must look stylish and elegant and be an impact statement next to the wrap around polished stone staircase – give us something hard to do next time!!
Final finishes selected to meet all requirements were: polished stainless steel doors with clear glass panels, walls in popular Similinox skinplate, muted lighting from the DAMA pattern ceiling, half height mirror and handrail to rear wall, full glass wall to one side overlooking the staircase and polished stainless steel trims and vertical car operating panel – the flooring was completed in a matching stone for continuity.
We look forward to providing the same high level of specification to all the future clients of the builder.
To view the drawings for this lift please click here