THE ONLY problem with a garage at street level and the family home located at the bottom of a sloping site is the access between the two, especially in bad weather. But, with a bit of determination, some engineering advice, minor excavation and new construction of retaining walls and shaft, the problem was easily solved.

The product of choice for this project was an opposite through car 1100mm x 1400mm FreedomLift 2 with load capacity of 320kg. To make the most of the glass portions of the shaft, one cabin wall and both landing doors were fitted with full size transparent glass panels. With our newly released blue digital displays, wide 950mm wide doors as well as the other striking but simple finishes, the lift has provided a perfect modern convenience and enhanced property value.

Note that the owners ensured that good weather coverage was provided at the upper level – very important for outdoor lifts (for other examples of this see Undercover.

To view the drawings for this lift please  click here