THE URBAN Development Institute of Australia (UDIA) announced that the OMNI RESIDENCES BULIMBA was the recent winner of its Medium Density Housing awards.
Lift Shop was delighted to be associated with this award winning project with the design and supply of three FreedomLifts, all servicing three levels and we send our congratulations to the team at Plus Development Group.
For consistency, all three lifts were fitted with a combination cabin wall blend of milk white glass, brushed and polished stainless steel, polished stainless steel ceilings and car operating panels, anodised aluminium doors with milk white glass infill panels. The 800mm wide x 1250mm deep cabins were designed to take minimal space whilst still carrying a large load capacity of 320kg and fast speed of 0.25m/s. The floor of each lift was tiled to match outside areas.
A great outcome for all involved.
To view the drawings for this lift please click here